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We capitalise on concrete achievements, encourage industrial cooperation and support the creation of international projects to stimulate growth and employment. Our international actions aim to promote and enhance Walloon innovations, create international partnerships and facilitate access to European funding for our members.

Our International Team offers personalised support in accessing these opportunities, keeping a constant monitoring on European calls for projects and facilitating connections with European networks and partners.

Our international development strategy is based on 4 services:

  • Connecting to international industrial innovation

    Through an annual programme of actions, we offer our members networking or technological missions designed to encourage networking with peer or complementary industrial ecosystems, enrich strategic intelligence and stimulate your innovation projects and your international presence.

  • European projects for members

    Through collective actions (awareness-raising, information) or individual actions (personalised service), we support our members in identifying European financial opportunities for their innovation projects, putting them in contact with key players (support/partners) and, in certain cases (cascade funding), reviewing and advising on their application.

  • European projects for the cluster

    Our International Team regularly monitors and participates in "interclustering" actions and applies for European calls for proposals for clusters, enabling us to offer our members services and financial support to help them with their innovation projects and boost their international profile.

  • Promoting Wallonia's industrial ecosystem internationally

    Our International Team promotes the Walloon industrial ecosystem and its innovation projects through its various actions, by participating in the development and presentation of sector roadmaps, by presenting this ecosystem to potential investors and by communicating success stories and spin-offs from international events.

Contact our International Unit