3DP Business Innovators Meeting

The 3DP Business Innovators Meeting, will take place on the 16th and 17th of October 2024.
The event will be held in Barcelona and is co-organised by Leitat-IAM3DHUB, ACCIÓ and the Vanguard Initiative 3DP Pilot.
Please find attached a preliminary agenda, which will be finalised in the coming weeks. Please register here.
Participants in the event will be offered the opportunity to:
- Visit the very advanced capabilities and equipment of the IAM3DHUB (a digital innovation centre specialised in AM/3D, which was founded by HP, Leitat Technological Center, Renishaw, BASF and Abrast by Coniex as technological partners).
- Visit and explore the facilities/labs/factory floors of CIM UPC, and of other companies located in Catalonia (more confirmations will follow in the coming weeks).
- Explore, during a booths session, capabilities and ambitions of companies like Coniex-Siocast (silicone moulds), Origen Studio (customized bicycles), and other companies (more confirmations will follow in the coming weeks).
- Attend and contribute to “projects generations sessions”, during which expertise and international ambitions associated to selected 3DP-related topics will be shared in the group, and linked to existing funding opportunities, towards projects implementations.
- Etc.
The program will be adapted in the coming weeks, but you can register here for the event and make your travel arrangements already.
As a reminder, the event’s sessions/visits are open (and free of charge) for organisations (SMEs, large companies, universities, facility/research centres, clusters, regional authorities, etc.) located in our member regions (i.e. Aragon, Asturias, Autonomous Province of Trento / Trentino, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Cantabria, Catalonia, East Netherlands/Gelderland, East and North Finland, Emilia Romagna, Flanders, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Gävleborg, Lombardia, Lower Austria, Lower Saxony, Malopolska, Norte, North Rhine-Westphalia, South Netherlands, Pays de la Loire, Piemonte, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Slovenia, Värmland, Wallonia).