SINTEF – applied research – technology & innovation

MecaTech had recently the occasion to meet a representative of SINTEF’s digital department. Below is a brief overview of this organization.

SINTEF, based in Norway, is one of Europe’s largest independent research organization (2000 employees, 75% researchers). The company vision is « technology for a better society » and SINTEF acts as an incubator, commercialising technologies through the establishment of new companies. SINTEF is active in many different application domains, ranging from information and communication technologies, micro and nanotechnologies to renewable energy, industry, buildings, materials, environment, transport, health and welfare. SINTEF Digital is a key player in terms of national and European projects (H2020, etc.) that provides research-based expertise, services and products within areas of micro-technology, Internet of Things, Cyber-Physical Systems, software technology, computational software and, complex information systems for industrial applications.  One illustration is the currently running H2020 UNIFY-IoT project. UNIFY-IoT is the “working partner” of the Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation (AIOTI) and the Internet of Things European Research Cluster (IERC) with the aim to stimulate the collaboration between IoT projects, IoT platform developers and support the stakeholders in sustaining the IoT ecosystems developed, by focusing on innovation, value co-creation, new IoT business models, open education platforms to foster and stimulate the acceptance of IoT technology and applications.  The project, as part of the Internet of Things European Platforms Initiative (IoT-EPI) is monitoring the global trends in term of IoT platforms interoperability and de-facto standards, and interacts with standardisation bodies to systematise emerging pre normative activities proposed by the IoT-EPI projects.

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